- 我可以如何退貨?我們希望您滿意您所收到的每一件產品,但如果您想退回任何產品,您可以在14天內按照簡單的程序進行退貨:
- 1.在退貨/換貨申請表上輸入購買時使用的電郵地址和訂單號碼,並遵循退貨程序操作
- 2.確保產品處於收到時的相同狀態,並將其放入原包裝箱或同樣結實的包裝箱中
- 3.列印完成退貨程序後收到的電郵中附帶的預付標籤,並將其貼在包裝箱上。請確保完全覆蓋舊標籤。
- 4. 致電+39 02 30 30 30 39聯絡UPS,或將您的包裹送到最近的UPS Access Point地點。
退回的商品需符合以下條件方可退款。- 商品必須以原包裝原樣退回,標籤完整。已穿著、已使用過、人為改動或損壞的商品恕不提供退換服務。
- 鞋底必須完好無塤,請在柔軟乾淨的地面試穿。
- 個性定製商品無法退換。
- 我如何更換產品?如果您訂購了錯誤的尺碼或者尺碼不符合您的預期,您可以在14天內要求更換產品。更換過程非常簡單:
- 1.在退貨/換貨申請表上輸入購買時使用的電郵地址和訂單號碼,並按照退貨程序操作。如果沒有其他尺碼,您可以要求退款
- 2.確保產品處於收到時的相同狀態,並將其放入原包裝箱或同樣結實的包裝箱中
- 3.列印完成退貨程序後收到的電郵中附帶的預付標籤,並將其貼在包裝箱上。請確保完全覆蓋舊標籤。
- 4. 致電+39 02 30 30 30 39聯絡UPS,或將您的包裹送到最近的UPS Access Point地點。
- Can I make an exchange?The exchange is only possible once and only for a different size. You will have to return the items within 14 days from when you submitted your exchange request online and follow the exchange/return procedure.
- What are the terms of returning or exchanging an item?On all our articles (except for custom made items) there is the possibility of free return or exchange, subject to the following conditions:
- The return/exchange must be requested within 14 days after delivery of the order;
- Items to be returned/exchanged must be handed over to the courier within 14 days of notification of the return/exchange request to Customer Service;
- The return/exchange can only be sent from the country of delivery;- You may only return items purchased on tods.com online. We cannot accept items purchased at boutiques.
- In the case of withdrawal from a multiple order, the delivery costs for the same will not be refunded unless you withdraw from the entire order.
- Exchange is only possible for a different size
If you want to return a gift, you will have to contact the person who invited you or, if you prefer, you can contact Customer Service.
Please note this does not apply to returns or exchanges for faulty or defective products. Please see our Terms and Conditions of Sale for our policy for dealing with requests relating to faulty or defective products.
- Are returns and exchanges free of charge?
On tods.com, where we offer returns and exchanges for change of mind, those returns or exchanges are always free, provided they are made within 14 days from the date you received your order. Returns and exchanges for change of mind are not available in relation to custom made items or products that are marked as 'final sale' or were discounted.
You can return an item (other than custom made items or products that are marked as 'final sale' or were discounted) by taking it to your nearest boutique, or by shipping or delivering it to a UPS point using the prepaid label you are sent at the end of the return process.
•How many days do I have to request an exchange/return?
You can return or exchange the purchased product within 14 days from the date of delivery.
Please note this does not apply to returns or exchanges for faulty or defective products. Please see our Terms and Conditions of Sale for our policy for dealing with requests relating to faulty or defective products.
- 我有多長時間申請退貨/換貨?您可以在訂單交付後14天內要求退換所購產品。
- 我可以退換訂製產品嗎?很抱歉,MyGommino的訂製產品不得退換,因為這些產品為量身訂造和/或明顯地加入個人化設計。
- 我可以在精品店裡更換在網上購買的產品嗎?不可以。在精品店裡,您只能退回在網上購買的產品,但您不能換貨。如果您想換取其他尺碼的產品,請按照網上程序進行。
- 我可以在精品店退回在網上購買的產品嗎?可以。您可以在精品店退回在tods.com網站購買的產品。如果您希望如此退貨,請前往我們的其中一家精品店,我們的助理會為您辦理退貨程序。不過,需待包裹退回至倉庫並通過所需的質量檢查後,退款才會透過購買時使用的相同支付方式(信用卡/扣帳卡、PayPal等)進行。
- 退款時間/方法如何?退款將在產品返回倉庫並通過質量檢查後進行。產品到達倉庫後,可能需要大約3或4個工作日進行質量檢查。
- 我提交了退貨要求:我可以如何退貨/如何與UPS預約取貨時間?退回產品非常容易:
- 1.列印完成退貨程序後收到的電郵隨附的預付標籤,並在箱子貼上標籤。請確保您已去除或覆蓋好任何以前的標籤
- 2.聯絡UPS,電話:+39 02 30 30 30 39,或在ups.com網上預約取件時間
- 我在精品店購買了一件產品,而我並不滿意。我可以透過網上程序退貨嗎?很抱歉,您不能透過網上程序退回您在精品店購買的產品。對於在精品店購買的所有產品,退貨和換貨均需在精品店處理。因此,請聯絡您購買產品的精品店。銷售助理將為您效勞。
- 如果我的產品有瑕疵,我可以要求更換嗎?如果您收到的產品有瑕疵,您只能在我們的官方網站上仍有該產品的情况下進行更換。如遇此情况,請盡快聯絡我們的客戶服務團隊,以檢查產品的可用性並辦理更換程序。
- 我怎樣才能獲得Tod's產品方面的幫助?對於您在使用我們的產品時發現問題,我們深感抱歉:我們一直致力保證最佳的製造質量,但可能仍會遺漏某些瑕疵。請聯絡我們的客戶服務團隊,提供您的訂單號碼和簡述您遇到的問題。我們會盡快回覆您並給您提供協助。
- 我是否可以使用UPS以外的快遞公司將產品退回?您可以使用UPS以外的快遞公司將產品退回,但您將需就此承擔所有的運輸費用和追蹤貨物運送進度。
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